Saturday, November 11

U.S. Congressional, Budget and Debt Database

For the past several years I have been compiling a database of year by year historical information on our US Congress. (See the link for the actual file in the "Other Resources" box on this site). The file is a work in progress- as history occurs and, as data is researched and verified, it will be added and the database will be updated to reflect the additions. The file has been set up to open "read only", so when the message box pops up and asks for a password, click the "read only" box to view it.

The database is broken down by political party control of both houses and notes major legislative actions that occurred during each year. In years where one party controlled both houses of Congress and the White House, you will see the color line carry all the way across to the national debt figures.  It is a work in progress and will continue to be for some time to come. I am posting the database below and welcome all comments and would greatly welcome ANY help with making the visual bigger or more expandable.

The project began primarily to insure my children would have a source for verified and consistent historical information, unaltered by changing ideologies or moral standards. I wanted them to be able to base their political choices and decisions on fact- not the half-truths and misrepresentations of media outlets, politicians and special interest groups. I wanted them to have quick access to the "numbers" - the only really objective record- that would show them what really happens when the people are not vigilant in guarding their rights.

Rather than expand on what I "see" in the numbers, I would hope that each person who views it, will comment on what they "see" and why, since it is the American voters' "collective view" that determines which direction our country inevitably heads in. The database is posted for your review and I welcome all comments, as long as they are earnestly given and respectful language is used.